Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I was really busy.
So busy that I forgot to wish someone Happy Birthday.
I am beginning to accept that things will remain this way. As much as I do not want it to.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
End of year surprise
Another off day and another day for me to just slack at home and do nothing at all.
Christmas eve and the dawn of Christmas Day was spent at work. Coordinating the countdown performances and celebrations. Last minute additions and changes to the programme and not forgetting me going up on stage to be the emcee for the evening with another volunteer. All in all, it was fun.
This is the first year that I have not sent out any Christmas cards or given out any presents. Too many things on my mind and not enough time for myself. To think that one of my friend actually wrote in a card to me that he looks forward to my card every year... So embarrassing. I think I will sent Chinese New Year cards this year. Red and gold ones.
Right. This is suppose to be an entry about a surprise.
On the 23rd I received a bouquet of flowers from an anonymous person. He/She actually sent the flowers to where I work at Tampines. It is the first time ever I have to sign an invoice for flowers. The worst thing was it was in full view of many, many volunteers present. Not to mention that I was in the middle of a meeting with some performers. Had to just get my friend to keep the flowers while I calmly returned to the meeting. Later that evening, I checked out the card attached to the flowers only to find it unsigned with a simple type-written Christmas greeting. Up till today, I have no idea who sent them.
This is a really nice gesture. But it is a bit freaky when my friends at work concluded that it could be a stalker! They kept reminding me to look behind my back when I go home and watched out for shadows on the wall. Goodness. Others tease that I might get another bouquet on New Year's eve. I hope not. That is when it is really scary.
I would appreciate it more if I know who the person is. I even called a few of my friends to check if they are playing a prank on me. But after much deliberation, I have convinced myself that it is impossible that anyone of them would be so nice. Haha... So, dear mysterious flower sender, please tell me who you are, provided you know that I have a blog or is on my MSN contact list. I really want to thank you for making that day a brighter one for me, especially since I was quite stressed at work.
Next topic.
If anyone is interested to be a liaison officer for the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Conference, please let me know. This conference is organised by the Ministry of Trade and Information. But you will have to skip school for a few days from 20-26 Jan. Contact me if you are interested and I will give you more information. Only one condition, you must be an undergrad or a graduate.
Another 1 week's time and the new school semester will start. Really looking forward to it!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tired, exhuasted & irritated
Something is definitely very wrong with me.
Most people would know that I have a very healthy appetite. I can always finish my food without much difficulty and wouldn't mind second helpings.
But for the past 2 weeks or so, I have not been able to eat much. Just a few mouthful and I am full. Either that or I would not be able to continue to eat anymore. Terrible isn't it.
I may be very hungry but I just cannot seem to eat at all. Even feel sick when I see fried food or really 'thick' stuff like stew and stuff.
Probably has to do with the level of stress and fatigue that come from work. It is really quite tiring handling people and coordinating here and there. Really tired. For once in so many years, I actually dread going to work.
Why? I think I have reached the saturation point... This is should not be the way to spend my holidays. Instead of fatigue and exhuastion, it should have been fun, fun and more fun! Agrh!
I am thankful that I still have 2.5 years of school to complete before I stepped into the corporate world officially. And I am going to enjoy it. Every single bit.
My happiest moments for this month?
- Hagadas fondue with my sister
- Blowing my money on a pair of Elle active shoes, 3 tops from Mango, 2 t-shirts from Hybrid Zone and some other accessories
- My best friend coming back from Thailand bringing me lots of presents
- Spending time at home on my off days [ 3 days so far for this month =( ]
- Sleeping
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Not at work!
After one whole week of 11am to 11pm of non-stop working, I am finally taking a break!
Hope that the HKC was entertaining.. Doing those comic strips like collage was my way of relaxing and getting away from all that work.
This period has been most traumatic for me too. It seems like my tolerance level is getting lower and lower. For once I cried about work. I think probably it was just too much. Having to oversee so many things at the same time almost single-handedly can be pretty tiring and stressful at times. Thankfully, things are better now. Perhaps I just needed a form of release and crying helps.
Lack of sleep and absence of retail therapy have left me cranky. For the past few days, I have had a very short temper and have transformed in a super 'kan cheong spider'. My EQ isn't as high as I thought it would be I guess.
Nevertheless, I am still learning new things everyday at work. Just feeling a little bit bored from the routine and endless coordinating. I need a 'successor' so that I can move on...
Thankfully I have crazy friends at the event to keep me sane... Presenting the multi-handed chef......
No, that's not my face. Erm, obviously. We had a hard time keeping in that position as the not so professional photographer fiddled with the handphone camera. We were like practically 'zha ma bu', like some martial arts practice. Afterwhich, all three of us had a terrible ache in the thighs. The result of the lack of exercise. Oh well...
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