Saturday, August 27, 2005

Things to do when you are bored... ...

Read this Out LOUD - just for fun, take no notice of grammatical errors! =P Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "This butter's bitter! But a bit of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you understand, say "understand". If you don't understand, say "don't understand". But if you understand and say "don't understand". How do I understand that you understand? Understand! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctors the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor's way +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw Before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You've no need to light a night-light On a light night like tonight, For a night-light's light's a slight light, And tonight's a night that's light. When a night's light, like tonight's light, It is really not quite right To light night-lights with their slight lights On a light night like tonight.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day after day

thank you ah hui for the early birthday present... =) apart from thank you, it is still thank you! = j u m p c u t = School work has been hectic recently. Especially when the modules require a lot of hands-on exercise. Writing reports are easier as compared to editing videos or creating photomontages. But I cannot deny that I am having fun. = j u m p c u t = I may lament, I may whine. But ultimately, I feel that I am still quite lucky and blessed. Thankful for the friends around me, thankful for the good things that had happened to me. Thankful for the life experiences that have made me a better person. Thankful for being able to feel this way. Just thankful. = j u m p c u t = A lot of emotions bottled up... Cannot seem to express it. Help.

Friday, August 19, 2005

A quiz...

Haha.. Leroy, as requested... Here you go..... THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: 1) Elaine 2) Geok Choon 3) Yuchun THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE HAD: 1) smurfette 2) prosperina 3) abandonship THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1) That I'm female 2) My eyes 3) My scars - make me more mature, remind me of things... THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1) Oh gosh! Height of course! 2) My teeth 3) My toes... so stubby... eeeee... THREE THINGS THAT SCARE YOU: 1) Death of a family member 2) Being friendless 3) Flying Cockroaches THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: 1) My mobile 2) Water! 3) Contact lens! I'll be blind without it... It is an essential! THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: 1) Contact lens! 2) Trusty Giordano tee in peach 3) Oh, you dun want to know... =P THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BAND OR MUSICAL ARTISTS: 1) Kit Chan 2) 98 Degrees - sappy love songs 3) Boyzone THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS: 1) Music of the night - Phantom of the Opera 2) Ba Ni Chang Qi Lai - Alex To 3) Everyday I Love You - Boyzone THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: 1) Mutual trust 2) A balance between being a couple and as an individual 3) Fun TRUTH OR LIE: 1) I think I may be schizo.. hahaha 2) I am becoming fat 3) I love being a choir girl --> judge for yourself, truth or lies THREE PHYSICAL THINGS ABOUT THE PREFERRED SEX THAT APPEAL TO YOU: ---> Actually it is more than physical. It is the kind of charm oozing out from his pores.. But if I really have to choose? 1) Tall and Athletic 2) Eyes 3) The way he speaks THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: 1) Day dreaming 2) Reading 3) Crooning at K THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: 1) Find a fairy god mother.. -_-''' 2) Go for a trip anywhere! 3) Fast forward this phase in life THREE CAREERS YOU'RE CONSIDERING/YOU'VE CONSIDERED: 1) Advertising guru 2) Doctor 3) Prisons Officer THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION: 1) Greek 2) Egypt 3) London THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: 1) Fall in love, fall out of love 2) Skydiving 3) Go to space! THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: 1) I whine... ... 2) I like flowery stuff... 3) I'm sensitive, too sensitive for my own good THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A BOY: 1) huh.. This type of question.. I love to be in control! 2) I think I love power too... 3) Don't mess with me. THREE MALE CELEB CRUSHES: 1) Wu Yanzhu 2) Edison Chen 3) Zheng Yijian --> so embarassing to admit! But i'm over the last 2.. haha... THREE PEOPLE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW: 1) Ah huiz 2) Lao mei... 3) Ah Lian!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
NDP, over.
Honeymoon period in school, over.
Buckets of good luck, emptied.
Gallons of cheerfulness, used up.
Feelings of uneasiness, brim full.
Sensitivity, on the high.
I think it is PMS.
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