Saturday, October 22, 2005


It is a luxury to be able to blog at such unearthly hours. After 2+ months of torture, I am finally done with all the projects. Thanks to all my able group mates for the different projects, there wasn't any major hiccups that we could not solve. Thank you people! Now that this is over, I would have to start preparing for the exams. Honestly, I am looking forward to it. I think it is much better than rushing projects, at least you have a little bit more freedom and more time to smell the flowers. Looking forward to a trip after the exams. Going to some place foreign and being able to take in all the sights and sounds without having to bother about school work or stuff like that. A temporary escape from the academic stuff that drives me crazy at times. For now, I shall take a break from blogging and concentrate on completing my readings and revision. Hopefully I will have more interesting things to talk about then. BTW, good luck Chitra and YY..... All the best... =)

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