Friday, July 30, 2004
Freshman Syndrome
Hi there people... School just started.. And it is horrible.. The expectations of the Profs are so high. I cannot fly you know, how can I reach them. Or maybe they are all trying to scare us first. We'll just have to see about it.
I missed TP. Perhaps it's the ambuguity in NTU that makes me feel that way. Haven't been to tutorials yet, so wondering if I can find any good friends. Haiz... I hate all this stuff, getting to know everything from scratch again.
It's so easy to spot a freshman in the school. Those who the blur look and a map in the hands. We have FRESHMAN printed on our fore heads and PLEASE HELP ME flashing on our shirts. Man.. Haha..
The past 2 days have been happening in school. We have a bazaar going on @ North Spine. Selling lots of nice stuff but I am too broke to buy anyway.. After all the textbooks and stuff..
Hope to write real soon, in mean time check out My nick's smurfette... For fun laughter peace and joy...
Take care!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Qualifying Discriminating Test?
Yesterday was my official last day in the office... Hee... Honestly, I am quite happy about it. Coz finally I get to settle a lot of my personal stuff that I otherwise may not have the time to.
Just got my timetable… Seriously? It's kind of horrible. The lessons are so spread out! On Wednesday for example, I have a lecture from 8.30am to 10.30am, and a tutorial from 4.30pm to 7pm… A break time totalling 6 hours! My gosh… It would be good for me if I am staying in the Hall, at least I can go catch a nap. Looks like I can go teach tuition, if available for that period of time.. We'll see about that soon.
Went back to NTU this morning for a Qualifying English test.. Essay writing of about 250 - 300 words on either 1) Music Downloading and your views or 2) Euthanasia and your views. I choose the second one. Mercy killing in layman terms. Honestly, I think I did not do a very good job on that essay. But it's too late now anyway.
I wrote something like mercy killing is justified. This option should be available to whoever who needs it. I mean, ultimately, you control your own life, religion and traditions aside. If one day you feel that you cannot bear the suffering of being terminally ill (you are not going to get well anyway), I feel that it is a better way to end all the sufferings and to die with dignity rather than piling on to the medical bills and burden all your family members. This is not about moral values. This is about human rights. Outsiders do not know how the patient feels. The patient should have the rights to say yes or no to euthanasia.
Whatever it is, I hope my paper doesn't get marked down just because the examiner feels that I have screw-up moral values. Haha… Come to think about it, my paper might not be marked at all. My friends from NTU told me that they select the papers to mark randomly… So it all about luck... But still, if you are good enough, you should not worry about being selected. Yep…
After looking at some of the students and course mate of mine, I feel that I might have problem fitting in. Many of them seem so 'young and naïve'. I am serious. They reminded me of kids just out of 'O' levels. When I was on the bus to the school, a bunch of girls were all so giggly and talking about erm, adolescent topics. But then again, they are a year younger and probably from JC and thus my opinion of them being less street smart. Not that I am trying to say all JC students are like that, it is just the few that I met today. Oh, and I worry for their sense of dressing too. Not that I dress very well but they dress worst than a lot of people I see on the streets. Okay, it's a matter of opinion again..
I am being such a bitch here… Criticising other people… Who am I to do that? Oh dear, I better not turn into one of the Plastics in Mean Girls. It’s bad… What's happening to me? Well… Maybe I am just trying to get myself heard…
Also did I mention that NTU is like a huge maze? I spent like 20 minutes looking for the LT that I was suppose to go. Even a Prof I approached for directions sent me going the wrong way. In the end, it was a cleaner who directed me correctly… It shows that every person matters, no matter who you are!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
What Name Should I Have??
Wait a minute.. My name is already Jade.. My dialect name? Geok Choon=Yu Chun= "Jade Spring".... hahaha.. Fated..
Thursday, July 15, 2004
I am a MERMAID??!!

I am 10 years old~~

My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand. How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
The Nightmare

I had what Huiz and Kenny would call a nightmare last night.. Haha.. To me it is just an amusing dream..
Well, I dreamt that the 3 of us just arrive in Thailand airport. And it so happens that I lost them in the crowd.. So i decided to leave the airport (erm w/o claiming the luggage) and look for the hotel thinking that I could meet the both of them there..
Anyway, so I walk out of the airport and to my amazement, I manage to find the hotel without any help or any map. Not forgetting that the hotel is within walking distance to the airport.. Haha.. How is that possible when the Bangkok airport is 40 mins away from the city.. So I reach the hotel and walk around looking for my 2 friends, but of course I cannot find them.
Somehow, I saw someone I know (erm.. Nicole, haha) and I wanted to borrow her handphone (why? coz in real life my hp have no auto-roaming) but was rejected... Just then i heard a handphone ringing.. It was coming from my backpack... Okay.. So apparently Kenny left his phone in my bag and it was Huiz using hers to call me. Haha.. But I did not pick up on time.. They hung.. So happily, I called back huiz.. And I got a scolding from them like why i left without telling them and stuff... They scolded me even more when I told them I have not claim my luggage.. hee..
That's it.. The dream ended there.. haha...
I think when Huiz and Kenny read this, they are really praying that it won't happen when we leave for our trip.. Sentiments exactly...
But wait a minute.. It would be fun that way...
My japanese name is 松尾 Matsuo (tail of a pine tree) 美紅 Miku (beautiful crimson). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
I have decided not to post photos.. haha.. I am lousy at such things..
Nevertheless, I have decided to change a template.. Well.. I have to admit that I love the previous template but it's time to change.. haha.. anyway.. do check out my phlog..
Welcome to the blogging community Lian!! haha..
update soon...
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Peeps.. Will be uploading pics of Vietnam soon.. In meantime, please read the story below.. Need to go write my reports (yes, reportS) for the trip.. Haiz..
Once upon a time, there was a king. The king liked one of his followers very much because he was very wise and always gave very useful advice. Therefore the king took him along wherever he went. One day, the king was bitten by a dog, the finger was injured and the wound was getting worse. He asked the follower if that was a bad sign. The follower said, Good or bad, hard to say'. In the end, the finger of the king was too bad that had to be cut. The king asked the follower again if that was a bad sign. Again, the follower gave the same answer, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. The king became very angry and sent the follower to prison.
One day, the king went hunting in the jungle. He got excited when he was on the chase of a deer. Deeper and deeper he went inside the jungle. In the end he found himself lost in the jungle. To make thing worse, he got captured by the native people lived inside the jungle. They wanted to sacrifice him to their god. But when they noticed that the king had one finger short, they released him immediately as he was not a perfect man anymore and not suitable for sacrifice. The king managed to get back to his palace after all.
And he finally understood the follower's wise quote, 'Good or bad, hard to say'. If he hadn't lost one finger, he could have been killed by the native people. He ordered to release the follower, and apologized to him.But to the king amaze, the follower was not mad at him at all. Instead, the follower said, 'It wasn't a bad thing that you locked me up.' Why? Because if the king hadn't locked the follower up, he would have brought the follower along to the jungle. If the native found that the king was not suitable, they would have used the follower. Again, the quote 'Good or bad, hard to say' stands.
The moral of the story
Everything that happens in this world, there is no absolute good or bad. Sometimes good things turned out to be bad things eventually, while bad things become a gain. Whatever good things that happen to you, enjoy it, but don't have to hold too tight to it, treat it as a surprise in your life.Whatever bad things that happen to you, don't have to feel to sad or despair, in the end, it might not be a total bad thing after all.If one can understand this, he or she will find life much easier.
Good or Bad, Hard to Say?

Monday, July 05, 2004
Yes... I am back since last friday.. The trip to Viet Nam (yes, that's how they spell it, two different words) was indeed fruitful.. I would have to say that I learnt a lot from the conference and Viet Nam, but i have to admit that I learnt more about life..
Non-conference Stuff..
The flight to Viet Nam was quite okie, I watch Dirty Dancing Havana Nights on Krisworld.. Yes I know it is quite an old show but it is my first time watching it..
Did I mention that the hotel that we stayed at is extremely posh? Haha.. Well, it is a business hotel with conference facility, so obviously it has to be that way. This Melia Hanoi Hotel sits in the center of the busy city, with a wide contrast of buildings and facilities.
The right hand side of the hotel is a wet (and i mean wet and slippery and dirty and smelly and.. well you get the idea)market. Explore once or twice there during my free time and i nearly slip and fall onto the wet dirty ground.. Yucks.. Thank goodness that I manage to prevent that disaster from happening.. Oh my... I have to write this, they eat dogs.. Roasted! And the hawkers just out them on their table tops as if they are selling whole pigs or chickens... I freaked out! Further down there is this Singapore-Viet Nam Training centre.. As the name suggest, Singapore agencies conduct training workshops there and i think it is a business building.. And it's a shopping mall as well, okie, a single level shopping mall... Nothing there at all.. I go there for the sake of, (dun kill me) air conditioning.
The left hand side of the hotel are all the various retail shops and embassies and living quarters and some building of some sort. Everything's in a loop, so you know what i mean i guess. Big Big circles and loops. The Singapore delegation even sat at a 'roadside stall' (READ: LU BIAN TAN) and ordered coconuts. Just right beside the main traffic road. Yes, it is crazy and polluted too, but i have no complaints.
Well in Viet Nam, there's practically no night life.. Singaporeans are lucky enough. How about a few pubs, KTV and cafes that opened until about 3am, 1 movie theatre (no midnight wor) and no 24 hr convenient stores. Know what I mean now? I was in the city and no such things.. Be thankful man. Did i mention that ATMs are hardly to be found? The only one I see is outside the hotel.
How about 3 pavillion riders on a motor bike? A dog? A baby in a cradle? Yes, you can see that all in Viet Nam.. The most outragous one I saw was ---> ONE Father (driver) OneMother, TWO kids (one 'bout 10 yrs, the other 5?) and a small black dog. Yes, on a scooter.. Fun ya? More like dangerous with all that terrible traffic that came from all directions. And they really make use of the honks.. Beep Beep Beep everywhere, I can even hear it from my hotel room on the 19th storey. Crossing roads there is definitely an ART, the trick? -KEEPING WALKING AND DONT LOOK BACK. NO 'GOS-TAN' RULE APPLY.
Now the sad things... Well, as a country in the early developing stage, poverty can be seem quite commonly. There would be beggars on the street running after the tourists and asking for money. These are usually very old people and they carry young children on their backs. Another group is young children, probably the oldest I saw was 12, going around selling postcards and books. They are very agressive and they stick and follow you for quite a distance. It's pretty scary. One of them, when rejected,screamed at the top of her voice "You think you very big is it? Who you think you are?" and some other things in Vietnamese which I choose not to explain. It is sad, but we cannot give them the money as this might encourage them to beg. It is very heart breaking.
While we are here talking about the cost of the new SUV or MPV, we seldom think about the less fortunate people in the world. We all have different level of needs. This trip really brought me back to reality to realise that there are people and issues that are more important than LV is having a 50% sale or your boyfriend decided to call it quits. I hope that I can do something about it.
Sustainable development.
'CHIM' subject. I was actually the youngest delegate there with the least knowledge about SD and the one with one of the lowest 'status' in the youth organisations that the rest represent. I think I did my best for the conference. It has been a fruitful experience for me learning new things and making new friends. I have also come to realise that I am thankful I did not accept the offer from NUS Arts and Social Science Faculty because I may end up doing Political Science. Politics is scary, personal agenda is even worst.
SD in Singapore is quite standard. We are pretty well developed. Poverty is minimum, hunger problems are negligible. Yep. We are pretty okay. Other aspect are quite normal so we are fine. That's all I will say here. I will be writing more in my report to National YOuth Council, tell me if you want to read it.. Haha.. I doubt anyone will be happy to. It is going to be dry.
Better stop. Or there will be no end to this entry... long and not very interesting.
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