Sunday, May 08, 2005

2nd Sunday in May

It is the time of the year again... It is amazing how this woman would do everything for you - wash, cook, clean - without a word of resentment or complain. To think about it differently, she have had a choice not to give birth to you at all. But she did. Throughout the years, you shouted at, you screamed at, you quarreled with, you fought at, you lied to, and prehaps even swindled this woman who have given you the life that you have and probably enjoying now. It is also amazing how we never think twice about being rude to her, it is almost like a child's innate characteristic. I remembered something that a new father told me, "Yes, he is adorable and cute now. But the day will come when he will tell his first lie to me." Sounds depressing I think. How much effort mothers and fathers alike have put into to ensure that their children get a good life. I do not even know if I can even manage the role of a mother one day. Cheerios to all mothers! You have, whether you realise or not, made a big difference not only to your own children, but to this world. You have shown us that geniune love and care still exists in this world. Thank you mum, thank you for being my mum. Although today is a special day, you are special to me all year round - 365 days a year, every minute, every second. I love you mum!

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