Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I was really busy. So busy that I forgot to wish someone Happy Birthday. I am beginning to accept that things will remain this way. As much as I do not want it to.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

End of year surprise

Another off day and another day for me to just slack at home and do nothing at all. Christmas eve and the dawn of Christmas Day was spent at work. Coordinating the countdown performances and celebrations. Last minute additions and changes to the programme and not forgetting me going up on stage to be the emcee for the evening with another volunteer. All in all, it was fun. This is the first year that I have not sent out any Christmas cards or given out any presents. Too many things on my mind and not enough time for myself. To think that one of my friend actually wrote in a card to me that he looks forward to my card every year... So embarrassing. I think I will sent Chinese New Year cards this year. Red and gold ones. Right. This is suppose to be an entry about a surprise. On the 23rd I received a bouquet of flowers from an anonymous person. He/She actually sent the flowers to where I work at Tampines. It is the first time ever I have to sign an invoice for flowers. The worst thing was it was in full view of many, many volunteers present. Not to mention that I was in the middle of a meeting with some performers. Had to just get my friend to keep the flowers while I calmly returned to the meeting. Later that evening, I checked out the card attached to the flowers only to find it unsigned with a simple type-written Christmas greeting. Up till today, I have no idea who sent them. This is a really nice gesture. But it is a bit freaky when my friends at work concluded that it could be a stalker! They kept reminding me to look behind my back when I go home and watched out for shadows on the wall. Goodness. Others tease that I might get another bouquet on New Year's eve. I hope not. That is when it is really scary. I would appreciate it more if I know who the person is. I even called a few of my friends to check if they are playing a prank on me. But after much deliberation, I have convinced myself that it is impossible that anyone of them would be so nice. Haha... So, dear mysterious flower sender, please tell me who you are, provided you know that I have a blog or is on my MSN contact list. I really want to thank you for making that day a brighter one for me, especially since I was quite stressed at work. Next topic. If anyone is interested to be a liaison officer for the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Conference, please let me know. This conference is organised by the Ministry of Trade and Information. But you will have to skip school for a few days from 20-26 Jan. Contact me if you are interested and I will give you more information. Only one condition, you must be an undergrad or a graduate. Another 1 week's time and the new school semester will start. Really looking forward to it!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Tired, exhuasted & irritated

Something is definitely very wrong with me. Most people would know that I have a very healthy appetite. I can always finish my food without much difficulty and wouldn't mind second helpings. But for the past 2 weeks or so, I have not been able to eat much. Just a few mouthful and I am full. Either that or I would not be able to continue to eat anymore. Terrible isn't it. I may be very hungry but I just cannot seem to eat at all. Even feel sick when I see fried food or really 'thick' stuff like stew and stuff. Probably has to do with the level of stress and fatigue that come from work. It is really quite tiring handling people and coordinating here and there. Really tired. For once in so many years, I actually dread going to work. Why? I think I have reached the saturation point... This is should not be the way to spend my holidays. Instead of fatigue and exhuastion, it should have been fun, fun and more fun! Agrh! I am thankful that I still have 2.5 years of school to complete before I stepped into the corporate world officially. And I am going to enjoy it. Every single bit. My happiest moments for this month?
  1. Hagadas fondue with my sister
  2. Blowing my money on a pair of Elle active shoes, 3 tops from Mango, 2 t-shirts from Hybrid Zone and some other accessories
  3. My best friend coming back from Thailand bringing me lots of presents
  4. Spending time at home on my off days [ 3 days so far for this month =( ]
  5. Sleeping

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Not at work!

After one whole week of 11am to 11pm of non-stop working, I am finally taking a break! Hope that the HKC was entertaining.. Doing those comic strips like collage was my way of relaxing and getting away from all that work. This period has been most traumatic for me too. It seems like my tolerance level is getting lower and lower. For once I cried about work. I think probably it was just too much. Having to oversee so many things at the same time almost single-handedly can be pretty tiring and stressful at times. Thankfully, things are better now. Perhaps I just needed a form of release and crying helps. Lack of sleep and absence of retail therapy have left me cranky. For the past few days, I have had a very short temper and have transformed in a super 'kan cheong spider'. My EQ isn't as high as I thought it would be I guess. Nevertheless, I am still learning new things everyday at work. Just feeling a little bit bored from the routine and endless coordinating. I need a 'successor' so that I can move on... Thankfully I have crazy friends at the event to keep me sane... Presenting the multi-handed chef......

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No, that's not my face. Erm, obviously. We had a hard time keeping in that position as the not so professional photographer fiddled with the handphone camera. We were like practically 'zha ma bu', like some martial arts practice. Afterwhich, all three of us had a terrible ache in the thighs. The result of the lack of exercise. Oh well...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Part 2
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Monday, November 28, 2005

The Hong Kong Chronicles 1

Here you go.. the many pictures taken during the trip
Part 1
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Friday, November 25, 2005

Back to work

No more mugging, no more slacking... But it's back to work. Going to spend my entire month of December in Tampines running an event. So if you happen to be there do pop by.. I dun mind food ya.. Will try to update soon...
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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Taa Daa~~

How do you like the new look? haha... Instead of putting up my best pictures, I have decided to go off the beaten track.. I mean like there is this hottest blogger thingy going on but that is completely off my league. So I have to go the other way round. Nar, just joking. I was bored preparing for my general elective exam (Music Appreciation) and decided to do something else... Then I realised that a lot of people have personalized blog skins so I decided that maybe I can try and conjure up something. Hope i didnt scare people off... 3 more papers before the exam ends but I am acting as if they have all ended already. Lazy lazy me...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Something new something old

Now that my most terrible paper is over, I can finally breath a bit. 3 down, 3 more to go.. After the paper yesterday, I had my first 'wind-down' after sooooo long. Went to town with Hanjoo in the afternoon and met huiz, her sister and lian in the evening.... I walked around sooo much that my legs still hurt today.. Not to mention my bank account... Hanjoo commented that it is the first time she sees me shop! Haha... Happy ma.. Retail therapy really works! Realise something new on my blog? I have a virtual pet! hahaha.... If you are bored or too free, just click on zhuzhu and hear it squeak! This pig doesn't go 'oink', i think it squeaks... Click for a few more times and it will roll itself in the mud. See the more button? You can even clean it up and feed it an apple... Kind of fun la... Juvenile stuff but cute... Gotta prepare for my other papers.. Studying can be quite a dread rreally.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


It is a luxury to be able to blog at such unearthly hours. After 2+ months of torture, I am finally done with all the projects. Thanks to all my able group mates for the different projects, there wasn't any major hiccups that we could not solve. Thank you people! Now that this is over, I would have to start preparing for the exams. Honestly, I am looking forward to it. I think it is much better than rushing projects, at least you have a little bit more freedom and more time to smell the flowers. Looking forward to a trip after the exams. Going to some place foreign and being able to take in all the sights and sounds without having to bother about school work or stuff like that. A temporary escape from the academic stuff that drives me crazy at times. For now, I shall take a break from blogging and concentrate on completing my readings and revision. Hopefully I will have more interesting things to talk about then. BTW, good luck Chitra and YY..... All the best... =)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Hail to the unglam queen

I am officially crowned the UNglam Queen. I realise that too. Don't know why, but I feel that I am so messy these days. Hair all over my face. I was so embarrassed when I met my hairdresser yesterday... Thankfully she didn't say anything... Terrible terrible me. Hail to the unglam queen...
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Fortune cookie

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Some surprises are good and others, bad. Today we had a pop quiz in my communication history and theories class. The worst thing is I have not done the readings for the week. Bad surprise. I 'tigam' my way through the quiz. And when Dr. D went through the answers, I am surprised that I managed to answer most of the questions correctly. Good surprise. Today was a pretty good day in school anyway. Instead of the usual broadcast journalism class filled with videos of news clips, we had a 'live' (read: huge cameras, bright lights and autocue) forum with the NTU Student's Union. It was quite fun, reminding me of one of those forums with the ministers that was aired on CNA some time ago. Fliming for BJ was quite funny today. We were getting some shots in the school library and captured some of the muggers' attention. I even heard a guy asking another: "Ta men shi zhuo shen me de?" (What are they doing?) "Mass comm de" (Mass comm students la) "NTU you mass comm?" (You mean there is a mass comm course in NTU?) "Han la..." (Yes, or literally where-have-you-been-you-moron? =P) Funny huh. They do not look like first year students to me. To think that our presence in the school is not felt. Hello?! Where do you think you get your Chronicle from? Nanyang Spectrum? Are we marginalised? Just because our school is so far away from the main academic spines? School has been crazy really. Assignments and assignments. I have not set time for revision just as yet. Terrible I know, but for now, I just want to 'relac one corner la'. I have no discipline to study now, not until my assignments are all done. But I think that is too late. =(
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Monday, September 26, 2005

Birthday 05

I am finally 21.... Thank you dear friends for organising such a great party! I had real fun and not to mentioned some degree of confusion! The view from Al Dente was fantastic, the delicious food, and lovely friends surrounding me... At that moment, I couldn't help but felt truly lucky and loved =P. I would say that the night out was definitely a good break from all the school work piling up... Actually the morning started out wrong... Haha.. I kept bumping into things and felt very blur. Not to mention the very 'thrilling' chinese media writing session in the morning kept me on my toes and the computer hanging when my group was working in the broadcast journalism clip... Crap, but somehow these incidents did nothing to spoil my day. A green crumpler bag to my name.. Thanks to Becky, Chang, Chitra, Derrick, Gra, Joo, Sharon and Phie... Muacks! Need to thank my dear mummy for planning my celebrations at home. She prepared everything from ordering the cake down to chopping chicken bones to boil the soup for the steamboat. Love ya Mum! Dear ah lian and ding bought me a set of lingerie.. Green too. Thanks to Serene for her Chomel necklace too. Slyvia and mei for the mickey mouse shirt... Ah huiz, dun need to say la. =P Also wanna thank all the people who messaged me. Thanks for remembering. But I am slightly disappointed. No message from a particular person but I am not going to let that bother me. Just wondering if it is really that easy to forget a person. Getting older means getting wiser? Not true for me, I think I am still that restless kid that has too much energy. 'Doesn't act my age' as many people have said... Just cannot believe the fact that if I follow a normal person's route, I'll be married in 6-7 years time. Scary. Let me be forever 21...
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Thursday, September 08, 2005

A little bit of fresh air

I was typing this entry half way and my Internet Explorer quit working. As I was saying... These 2 weeks had been pretty hectic for me. It is good to know that term break is just around the corner. Now, I am officially the owner of a new currency, a cute-and-generate-instant-laughter photomontage and a broadcast news clip. Not to mention that Darwin, Dewey, Freud and Marx are almost like my friends - I know their lives pretty well now... This week was a high for my T5 mates. Most of them are going away for exchange next semester. Feel really happy for them... It would mean that next semester would not be the same anymore, no more high-tea, no more k-boxing and of course lesser people to do project with. Sharon and I will miss you pals. This is also the time when blogs would come in handy. Derrick - broadcast your blog address la! Chang - start one! (sheesh, it is quite unlikely that they will read this anyway..) Gals - please update your blog okie? Oh well, it will be another 4-5 more months before they leave, but I just want to say that I will miss all of them dearly. Semester break around the corner but I can foresee my self carrying the not-too-small-and-not-too-light DV camera around taking shots of the empty security booth in NTU. Spending hours in the multimedia lab trying to edit the shots and trying to eat in the lab without getting caught. Spending another full day analysing music with Charlene and another 20 hours fulfilling my work requirements. With so many things to do, I would hardly call it a break. The only consolation would perhaps be my not having to wake up at 6am to rush for that early morning lesson and the long-long-long 179 queue. Happy holidays peeps!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Woman at work

woMAN at work
Do not disturb

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Things to do when you are bored... ...

Read this Out LOUD - just for fun, take no notice of grammatical errors! =P Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "This butter's bitter! But a bit of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you understand, say "understand". If you don't understand, say "don't understand". But if you understand and say "don't understand". How do I understand that you understand? Understand! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctors the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor's way +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw Before Soar saw See, Which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See's saw Before See sawed Soar's seesaw, See's saw would not have sawed Soar's seesaw. So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore Just because See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You've no need to light a night-light On a light night like tonight, For a night-light's light's a slight light, And tonight's a night that's light. When a night's light, like tonight's light, It is really not quite right To light night-lights with their slight lights On a light night like tonight.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day after day

thank you ah hui for the early birthday present... =) apart from thank you, it is still thank you! = j u m p c u t = School work has been hectic recently. Especially when the modules require a lot of hands-on exercise. Writing reports are easier as compared to editing videos or creating photomontages. But I cannot deny that I am having fun. = j u m p c u t = I may lament, I may whine. But ultimately, I feel that I am still quite lucky and blessed. Thankful for the friends around me, thankful for the good things that had happened to me. Thankful for the life experiences that have made me a better person. Thankful for being able to feel this way. Just thankful. = j u m p c u t = A lot of emotions bottled up... Cannot seem to express it. Help.

Friday, August 19, 2005

A quiz...

Haha.. Leroy, as requested... Here you go..... THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: 1) Elaine 2) Geok Choon 3) Yuchun THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE HAD: 1) smurfette 2) prosperina 3) abandonship THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1) That I'm female 2) My eyes 3) My scars - make me more mature, remind me of things... THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1) Oh gosh! Height of course! 2) My teeth 3) My toes... so stubby... eeeee... THREE THINGS THAT SCARE YOU: 1) Death of a family member 2) Being friendless 3) Flying Cockroaches THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: 1) My mobile 2) Water! 3) Contact lens! I'll be blind without it... It is an essential! THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW: 1) Contact lens! 2) Trusty Giordano tee in peach 3) Oh, you dun want to know... =P THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BAND OR MUSICAL ARTISTS: 1) Kit Chan 2) 98 Degrees - sappy love songs 3) Boyzone THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS: 1) Music of the night - Phantom of the Opera 2) Ba Ni Chang Qi Lai - Alex To 3) Everyday I Love You - Boyzone THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: 1) Mutual trust 2) A balance between being a couple and as an individual 3) Fun TRUTH OR LIE: 1) I think I may be schizo.. hahaha 2) I am becoming fat 3) I love being a choir girl --> judge for yourself, truth or lies THREE PHYSICAL THINGS ABOUT THE PREFERRED SEX THAT APPEAL TO YOU: ---> Actually it is more than physical. It is the kind of charm oozing out from his pores.. But if I really have to choose? 1) Tall and Athletic 2) Eyes 3) The way he speaks THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: 1) Day dreaming 2) Reading 3) Crooning at K THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: 1) Find a fairy god mother.. -_-''' 2) Go for a trip anywhere! 3) Fast forward this phase in life THREE CAREERS YOU'RE CONSIDERING/YOU'VE CONSIDERED: 1) Advertising guru 2) Doctor 3) Prisons Officer THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION: 1) Greek 2) Egypt 3) London THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: 1) Fall in love, fall out of love 2) Skydiving 3) Go to space! THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: 1) I whine... ... 2) I like flowery stuff... 3) I'm sensitive, too sensitive for my own good THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A BOY: 1) huh.. This type of question.. I love to be in control! 2) I think I love power too... 3) Don't mess with me. THREE MALE CELEB CRUSHES: 1) Wu Yanzhu 2) Edison Chen 3) Zheng Yijian --> so embarassing to admit! But i'm over the last 2.. haha... THREE PEOPLE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW: 1) Ah huiz 2) Lao mei... 3) Ah Lian!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
NDP, over.
Honeymoon period in school, over.
Buckets of good luck, emptied.
Gallons of cheerfulness, used up.
Feelings of uneasiness, brim full.
Sensitivity, on the high.
I think it is PMS.
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Saturday, July 30, 2005

unexciting, boring me

uninteresting, boring me

I was just blog hopping and I feel that I have boring blog entries and not to mention, life.

How interesting are they?

For example,

  1. A poly friend's maid just went crazy and claimed that she is God while pointing at Guan Yin on the altar
  2. Another friend is still heartbroken after breaking up with her bf for a few months.
  3. A friend misses her boyfriend for he is on course overseas for 2 years (!)
  4. Another person wrote some criticism of friends TRYING to use pseudo names (e*ai*n*)
  5. A random friend in this big big world took a picture of people having sex on the balcony
  6. Someone wrote gibberish with 'real' words in between on his/her blog for the past year. (wklhfafhbutterflyafkleo)

Fascinating right?

No.1 reminds me that having a maid may not be such a great thing after all. I mean it is quite scary. Eeee.. Maybe she wants to go home badly. Maybe ya..

No. 2 & 3 expresses emotions that I cannot relate to. I really do not know how it feels like. I mean, is it really that bad? That serious? I can solve these issues easily, or so I think. Quite ignorant huh.

No. 4 sets me wondering. Why would the person do that? It is quite obvious who the people are. Want to make known or not? Confused.

No. 5 is super duper (insert ur own words). You can't really see the picture clearly (thank goodness!). The entry was written in Dutch? But the unmistakable words. And thanks to Babelfish.

No 6. Hmmm... Maybe it is some form of communication for secret service agents? Some conspiracy going on? Imagine doing that for a year!

See? And what do I write about?

Life is good. School is great. Work is busy.

The end.

Guess I have to brush up on my creativity or get out and know more interesting people.

Or maybe I can start posting pictures and pictures only.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Bad Chinese...

Yes.. This is an entry that I will whine and whine and whine. But at the same time, I will try to talk about the good things that happened in the 1st week of school. Well, I just had my basic media writing in Chinese class today and I think i totally suck at it. We were suppose to write about why we chose to do this module and talk a little about our experience with the Chinese language. I thought it would be a piece of cake for me, given my experience in secondary school where I can complete an essay in less than 45 minutes. We had an hour for about a page long essay in Microsoft Word. I was wrong. I realised I had no idea how to write and even phrase certain sentences correctly. I struggled hard really. Goodness, 10 years of Chinese down the drain. Not forgetting the fact that I was from a Chinese school. I know the words, but have no flow. I can write the words, but have no idea what the han yu pin ying is. Terrible isn't it. I feel really ashamed. I think it is the worst piece of essay I have ever written. Enough lamenting. Let's just hope that I will improve tremendously after the course. If i remember, I will update 12 weeks later. For the happier stuff. Am I glad to be back in school. Familiar faces and that occasional joke in class. Haiz. This is better than work really. The pace was just nice. Gave me enough time to catch up with friends and spend hours in the NIE library cafe doing nothing at all. Great. Even gave us the idea of starting up a cafe in our main SCI building.. Maybe we should really consider writing to the Dean for a sandwich machine in the school at least. Better than the pathetic tibits and 'junk' coffee vending machine. Also glad that I met my secondary school teacher... Reminds me of all the great time I spent in GYSS. Haiz.... Those were the days.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Of birthdays, responsibilities and dreams

July, I conclude, is the Birthday month. I have never received so many invitations to birthday celebrations - chalets, restaurants, even country clubs. Thanks for all the invitation, but I cannot afford to go to every single one... I'm at work most of the time due to NDP. Yes, life has been sooooooo busy now. Work, work, work and play. Notice the proportion. Most of my good friends are officially legal. Not that it signifies anything, but it is more like a socially created ritual. Still, it means that they will have a good time teasing me when they buy tickets to watch Sin City. I already have the first taste of it this morning... Bleah. 21 is a big year, but I doubt I will be holding any 'big-scale' celebrations. Probably just a quiet celebration at home with family and a few close friends. No particular reason, but maybe turning 21 is the time to really reflect on the 'childhood' years and planning my future? Crap again. My best friend says that turning 21 means having more legal responsibilities. Sounds scary. For me, I think I will be a miserable soon-to-be 21-year-old with a miserable bank account. Haha... Anyway, not that money is the most important thingy. I think I want to change a few habits. Procastinating and getting myself into unnecessary troubles. Not troubles as in troubles but more like getting myself involved in too many activities. Turning 21st soon and I have a couple of 'dreams' yet to be fulfilled. Maybe I have to be more practical. Is this what you call the pre-21st birthday syndrome? Oh btw, Harry Potter fans, I have finished reading the Half-blood Prince on Saturday itself and I am disappointed. But it is a good ending for a good beginning for the next book. Money making scheme. And I fell for it.

Friday, June 24, 2005

NDP Dance No.40

NDP Dance No.40
Last night was probably the time where I had the most exercise for the entire year. I, the super duper psycho-motor-coordination-flexibility-whatever deprived person, actually have to learn the NDP Motivator dance. Amazing that I can still walk. Dancing straight for 2 hours is no small thing, I tell you. Especially for someone who has not have strenous exercise for at least the past 6 months. The routine was so long and I have no stamina. I can officially say that I am old. And inflexible. And I can forget about finding my hidden talent. I have none. Oh well. Face it.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Almost half of the holidays have passed… For the past month or so, I have been living the life that I would probably lead for next 40 years of my life after graduation. A 9 to 5 job, fixed lunch hour and spending endless hours staring at the computer screen. At the MRT station, I see people rushing to get into trains, rushing to get on the escalators, rushing to get breakfast, rushing to get into the office before the clock strikes 9, rushing out of the office at 6, rushing to get home. And that sets me wondering. Is it worth the rush? At my neighbourhood market, I see hawkers starting out their day slowly, people sitting in the coffee shops sipping coffee, shop owners setting up their goods outside their store leisurely. The only rush is perhaps to get those fresh meat or fish from the wet market. To me, they seem to be enjoying what they are doing. No need to rush for that report that is due at 10, no need to sit in those never-ending meetings and no need to tolerate politics. Which is better? I don’t really see the point of rushing about in life. It all seemed so tiring to me. But I also do not know whether I will be able to survive if I just sell sundry in the neighbourhood. In this materialistic society, one’s status is judged by your possessions. And being brought up this way, I want to be able to enjoy the luxuries in life. Yet, I do not want to follow the rat race blindly. This is quite a dilemma. And we can never get the best of both worlds.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

The GSS and a bunch of random thoughts

The GSS and a bunch of random thoughts
The title for this entry sounds like it can be one for a cheesy novel, a cheap paperback.
Oh well.
I am sure I'm not the only one that went for the midnight sale at Wisma Atria on Thursday. I didn't even know there was a sale actually until my good friend brought me there. The place, needless to say, was crowded.
Well, usually, I am not the kind that will squeeze through the bodies of some other tens of strangers to get to that glam, vintage top. Not to mention that my bank account decided to go on a diet at the wrong time of the year.
So i did what the optimists call 'window-shopping'.
I can't help but felt that the atmosphere last night at Wisma Atria was somewhat like people buying CNY stuff at Chinatown. I actually saw and heard a few of the shops ringing a bell. They just lack the endless chant of "Lelong, Lelong! Buy 2 get 1 free!". No, not exaggerating.
I guess I was infected by the GSS virus and decided that I should spread the news around to my shopping friends. I cannot believe I did that really. Usually it takes a lot of effort for me to brave through crowds to get to a sale.
"G2000 up to 50% sale leh! Super a lot of people! Somemore, they are also a one night only 15% off the final bill! That's up to 65% off! Wa!!!"
I was quite surprised at my involuntary reaction really.
I noticed a really interesting phenomena too.
Gentlemen, this is for you.
While the ladies were in Charles and Keith, or Forever 21 or GG5 hoping to grab a few bargains, the poor gentlemen stood outside the shops - almost in a straight horizontal line facing the shops. Most of the have their arms crossed in front of their body, with a defeated look on their face. They look almost like part time security guards. This is really a sociological phenomena!
Today, I went to Bugis. I tried to search for security guards but found almost none today. They have all become porters.
Right hand 2 bags - M)phosis, Addidas
Left hand 3 bags - POA, URS, Levis
I think the porters at the hotels have an easier job. At least they do not have to follow the owners of the luggage around. Oh, they even get tips. Those porters today, they may even have to pay.
No, I am not speaking up for the men, in case you are wondering. I just want to bring this to your attention. (if anyone is reading at all that is)
Nor am I a man trapped in a woman's body.
Which brings me to my next point.
There is this non-profit organisation call Liberty League. Not that business releated liberty league I think
If I am not wrong, I heard that their cause is pretty interesting but perhaps somewhat sensitive in this land we call our home. I won't share what I have heard here, in case I am sued for libel, just in case my hearing has failed me.
I am in the process of finding more information about them. If you know, share it with me ya.
Hereby conclude the first chapter of The GSS and a bunch of random thoughts.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Just blogging

At the end of the month I would have to register for my subjects.... Time seems to pass so quickly.... Haha... I am so afraid that I would missed the date for registration and get all the lousy time slots and subjects. The upcoming school term seems very exciting.. I kind of like all the 'design' modules... Hee.... Seems like I may have been influenced by Huiz ya.. Work is fine. Starting to get back to action already. Especially so with a lot more responsibilities coming my way. I think I might have the tendency to become a workaholic.... I get bored easily, especially with this long weekend. Anyway, thanks for the wonderful night out, girls! It was so fun seeing all of you again. Thanks for the cake Sharon, it was a great first attempt! Except I was really to full to eat it! And to Chitra, hope you are feeling better now. You seemed to be troubled by stuff ya.. And yes, I know you are not drunk! Gracia ah... All the best in your work ya. It is tough but I am sure you are up for it! Last Friday was kind of a different experience for me. To actually go out with fellow volunteers in heartware and chit chat - outside of work. Manage to catch a spectacular fireworks display at the Clarke Quay.. Haha.. Lucky us..... Will update soon.... Someone date me... I'm bored... haha...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

First week Anniversary

Today marks my first week back at work. The same place, the same kind of warmth, the same passion. mixed with new challenges, new tasks, new faces, new expectations. I am actually excited about the upcoming programmes. All hype up. For a moment, I thought I was mad.
Friends know how much I would like to have time to have fun and just slack around the house. They also know how I would like to get involved in other kinds of work. But yet now, I am excited about the rest of the short 2 months that I will be here. Funny. What if I say I might consider working for December as well? Huiz will probably say: "No surprise." Oh well. We'll see...

Friday, May 13, 2005

Haunted Rooms-Take your pick.

One day, you get lost in the wilderness while travelling. It gets dark and you have no choice but to seek refuge in a small hut nearby. The owner tells you all his rooms are haunted. Which room will you choose? The room where: Room (A) - a human head stares at you maliciously from outside your window Room (B) - the bathroom door creaks open and close, and there are sounds of a woman sighing Room (C) - the bed starts rocking violently whenever you try to sleep on it Room (D) - a headless ghost sits at the foot of your bed when you awake in the middle of the night MAKE A COMFORTABLE CHOICE THEN PROCEED. A) A human head stares at you maliciously from outside your window. Explanation: You need a lot of private space and are more suitable to work alone. You look for stability i.e. a job that is not easily affected by external factors and provides steady income. E.g. Doctor, lawyer, SOHO, teacher, administrator. B) The bathroom door creaks open and close, and there are sounds of a woman sighing. Explanation: You prefer a stable job that does not require you to run around or meet people. You are willing to be subjected to pressure from your bosses if that lets you sit in an air-conditioned office all day. E.g. Civil servant, engineer, computer engineer, accountant. C) The bed starts rocking violently whenever you try to sleep on it. Explanation: You are an active person who cannot sit still and does not like to be restrained. You are easily adaptable to a job which is full of changes and not routine. E.g. Marketing, insurance, sales, delivery man, chauffer. D) A headless ghost sits at the foot of your bed when you awake in the middle of the night. Explanation: You suit jobs that need you to meet people, especially large crowds. Your job will depend on these people, but you will not know who they are E.g. superstar, politician, PR, counter/frontline sales.


Work. Work. Work. I should have taken a longer break! But then again... Haiz. So.... Work. Work. Work.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Banter Mag

Found this mag on my sister's desk and realise that it is pretty interesting. Check out their webbie at They should pay me for publicity man... A joke from their latest edition That Airline A chap, sitting in Danny's BAr at Singapore's Changi Airport, noticed a very beautiful woman sitting next to him. He thought to himself, "Wow, she's so gorgeous, she must be a flight attendant. But which airline does she work for?" Hoping to pick her up, he leaned towards her and uttered the Delta slogan: "Love to fly and it shows?" She gave him a blank, confuses stare and he immediately thought to himself, "Oh crap, she doesn't work for Delta." A moment later, another slogan popped into his head. He leaned towards her again, "Something special in the air?" She gave him the same confused look. He mentally kicked himself and scratched Singapore Airlines off the list. Next he tried the Thai Airways slogan: "Smooth as silk." This time the woman turned on him "What the f**k do you want?" The man smiled, then slumped back in his chair and said, "Ahhhhh, Quantas!" Erm... quite lame la... But there are other funny ones... check it out online...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

2nd Sunday in May

It is the time of the year again... It is amazing how this woman would do everything for you - wash, cook, clean - without a word of resentment or complain. To think about it differently, she have had a choice not to give birth to you at all. But she did. Throughout the years, you shouted at, you screamed at, you quarreled with, you fought at, you lied to, and prehaps even swindled this woman who have given you the life that you have and probably enjoying now. It is also amazing how we never think twice about being rude to her, it is almost like a child's innate characteristic. I remembered something that a new father told me, "Yes, he is adorable and cute now. But the day will come when he will tell his first lie to me." Sounds depressing I think. How much effort mothers and fathers alike have put into to ensure that their children get a good life. I do not even know if I can even manage the role of a mother one day. Cheerios to all mothers! You have, whether you realise or not, made a big difference not only to your own children, but to this world. You have shown us that geniune love and care still exists in this world. Thank you mum, thank you for being my mum. Although today is a special day, you are special to me all year round - 365 days a year, every minute, every second. I love you mum!

Friday, May 06, 2005

My friends and I

When you have too much time on your hands, you do all sort of things... And this is what I have done so far.. hahaha

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Quote of the month

Thanks to Adrian... This phrase is stuck with me.... And to make sure that I am not the only one affected by it, I shall share it with all of you...
"A moment on your lips, forever on your hips"

Thursday, May 05, 2005


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I found a dead pixel on my laptop's LCD screen!!!!!!! I am so traumatized!

Random Thoughts

It is midnight. Just back from a night of great fun with huiz and xinz. My favourite sambal fish, 2 big cups of ice water, 3 hours of ktv. The theme for today's singing session was Oldies. Had so much fun and laughing our hearts out. Thanks you gals... Our nights out have always been so much fun... All the old songs reminded me of all the happy days in the past as well as pretty depressing ones. Pondering and bothered and confused. I thought everything would be back to normal. I have tried my best. I guess it is not going to happen in the near future. haiz.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Free like a bird~~

Indeed I am finally free! I am finally freed from my exams! Just finished my last paper today. Don't smirk, you terrible people. I can almost see you grin... I know that most of you have either finished your papers long ago or do not need to take exams at all... Oh, and to celebrate the end of my last paper, I actually left the examination hall early.. Okie, lame. Haiz.. Hope I will do well though... The sociology papers are killers and I am no Weber or Marx. 3 absolute months without school, projects and exams! Cheers to fun, fun and more fun! Finally I can do my favourite stuff without guilt... Talking about school, I remembered one anecdote from kindergarten... Back then I was a little girl with 2 long pigtails studying in a PAP Foundation kindergarten, just like most of us in Singapore. During an exam once, I finished my paper - a combination of Maths, Chinese and English - way too early and started looking for other stuff to do. I realised that the little girl beside me was pondering over a chinese character. She drew one stroke, ponder for a while and then rub it away. Drew another, rub away again. And she repeated this at least for another 3 times. I felt quite annoyed when I see it as I thought it was quite easy. So.. I took her paper and wrote the character for her. That's not enough. I flipped her paper and realised that she had not completed anything at all. So out of courtesy or ignorance or stupidity or whatever you call it, I completed the paper for her. The rest, like they say is history.... All I remembered was that my teacher had a good laugh. The beginning of a smart alec... Alas... Why do I remembered so clearly? My dear mum never failed to remind me whenever she sees me studying for exams. "Remember the last time you completed the exam paper for your friend?" Argh! Thanks mum...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

My Problem?

This is a problem that everyone at some point in time will encounter

A problem that is unavoidable especially when you reach 'that' point in life

Not that it's my 'time' yet, but it is simply bothering me

Or rather, it has always been bothering me.

Even my mum was asking me.

"Huh? Where are all your spare tyres? Aiyo, 21 years old is mature enough to have a boyfriend. Don't just think about studying."

Oh man.

What do I do?

It is not like buying a product - get out of the house, look for it , buy it, call it your own and bring it home.

Not so simple ya.

Most of my uni mates have really nice boyfriends. The things they do, they stories you hear... Haiz, you wish you were half as lucky.

No, not that 'D' word (desperate, if you are wondering)

Just wondering if it is my problem or not.


When there were 'spare tyres' around, I was pretty picky.

So much so that my reputation was "the dun-wanna-give-her-heart-away girl"


I was just trying to make the right choice, and trying to figure out who I really fancy!

But... "Time and tide, in this case boys, waits for no woman"

In no time, the spare tyres went on and found their Ferrari and Mercedes.

And me?

A tyre-less saloon.

Maybe there should be EYE FOR A GIRL too...

1 shoe, 10 naked feet.

The Utopia for Madness...

The Issue of Siblings

It just suddenly daunt onto me that I seen to have something against my younger sister no matter what she does. Serious. Every single thing, most of the time, I cannot stand her. Sometimes and very rarely, we seems to hit it off okay, but most of the time we bit the heads off each other. Legend has it that to be siblings, 2 person would have cultivated some kind of 'karma' or whatever it is called in your past few lifes. I guess it is not all that true ya. If it takes so many lifetimes to cultivate this sibling-ship, why is it that we are fighting every single day for almost everything? Such a waste of time. Fight, fight, fight. That's why I kind of envy those people with fantastic relationships with their siblings. They treat each other as best friends and tell each other everything, do everything together... Seems kind of nice doesn't it? My sister thinks that I have some mental problem to be against her all the time. I think that my sister have a lot of growing up to do and she is worst than a 10 year old kid. What seems to be the problem?

Monday, April 25, 2005


You will never realise how fragile life is until you have seen the edge of death... Some things that I can never understand seems to be clearer and more visible now. I used to think that getting an 'A' for all everything is important. I get depressed for days if I have only gotten a 'B'. How pathetic is that? "Life is more than just getting As for everything you do." My poly lecturer once said that and I thought that was the biggest joke on earth. What could be more important than proving yourself and others that you can face up to any kind of challenges and reign victorious with lots of Distinctions and As under your belt? Some kind of thinking huh. I am not saying that we should just skimply do everything. It is more like being realistic and understand that there is a bigger purpose for our existence in this world. Oh crap.... I am just getting emotional on this warm Monday afternoon. Just crap.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

C'est La Vie

This is life... That's how I would describe yesterday... High tea and KTV. Both sinful and expensive indulgence... But who cares! I had fun..... So what if my true colours are exposed now... I think my friends still love me... Hahaha.... The Pacifier was great too... All thanks to Jym kor kor, Huiz and Bixia... Thanks for waiting for me..... =)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I cannot grow up....

No, I don't mean that I cannot grow up as in I don't want to grow up. I mean that I really cannot grow up as in I feel that my personality does not fit my age... In another 5 months (oh well, lots of time) I'll step into the socially constructed age of 'adulthood'. I don't think I can handle that. I am quite serious. Although it just nothing but a mere way of thinking, I still feel as if there are certain obligations that an one should fulfill... I realise that I do not know a lot of things... With age comes wisdom... Haha.. I do not even have wisdom tooth. (Shall not add the word 'yet') Where on earth should I find wisdom?

How ignorant am I.

Monday, April 11, 2005


The blog that you are reading will not be able to display updates for the next two (2) weeks. The blogger has suspended the update function for this blog "RANDOM INSCRIPTIONS" due to the following reasons.
  1. The education system in Singapore enforce that all students should take exams every semester for all subjects
  2. Failure to obtain at least a 'D' grade would result in non-promotion to the next level
  3. Failure to promote to the next level would cause the parents to nag non-stop.
  4. Hence to prevent Clause 1,2 and 3 from happening, the blogger has to study hard, and thus suspended her blogging status.

Thank you very much for your understanding and we apologise for any inconveniences caused.

For further information, please contact the blogger 2 weeks later.


The Suspended Updates Team

Saturday, April 02, 2005


I am really thankful that this semester is coming to an end... 2 more projects to go and I will finally have the time to study for exams. Haiz. Life is more than just sitting in front of the computer, or staring at the tiny fonts in the textbooks. Haiz. Spend the entire day in school yesterday trying to figure out some raw data and trying so hard to make sense out of them. Chi Square. T-test. One way Anova. Correlation. Significance level. Whatever. So much so that I get shivers down my spine when I hear words related to research. Data entry. generate. Even excel. ah................................... Right now, the magic number for me is 0.05. Hope for the best.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


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Just a random picture of smurfette...


Life is a blur at the moment.... Hope that everything will be fine......

All the best....

Saturday, March 26, 2005


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I realise a lot of things happen when you least expect it.... Amazing isn't it? I am not just talking about my personal experience, but also what is happening around the world..... Who would have thought that 2 planes would crash into the World Trade Centre? Who would have thought that SARS would be so deadly? Who would have thought that the tsumani would kill so many people? Who would have thought that I would go into University? Who would have thought that my mum would sprain her leg on a holiday trip? Who would have thought that a long lost friend would suddenly look you up? The list would go on..... Never ending... This semester seems to go smoother than the last. At least in terms of grades.. I am glad that I am doing okay.. That was unexpected as well...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


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Everyday in our lifes, we face some kind of challenges...

Just have to swallow our fears and conquer it.

It's just the way life is.

No point dreading over it, no point avoiding it.

I try my best.

"If you compared your troubles, or challenges, with those of others, you would surely find that there are those whose troubles make yours look like minor inconveniences." Catherine Pulsifer

"Understand that it is ok to be scared or uncertain, however right beyond those barriers ultimately lies your dreams." Josh Hinds

"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands." Richard Bach

"A challenge is an opportunity to prove your ability to yourself, and others." Joe Brown

"The greatness comes not when things go always good for you. But the greatness comes when you're really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you've been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain." Richard M. Nixon

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Smash IT!

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My laptop hung on me..... The LCD screen just refuse to work last night. And when it did, it took 30 minutes to boot, 2 hours to backup my data.... And now? It refused to work again... How great is that for a 2-month old laptop. As temperamental as me. oh well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Tormenting Cough (TTC)

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I have been having this terrible cough since last week and it nowhere near recovery. Blame it on my stubborness - "Aiya, no need to see doctor! I will get well soon" And when I finally decided that I shall buy myself medicine, my stupidity got better of me... - "Eh... The cough syrup taste weird.. Don't wanna drink." This morning at 5am, I woke up coughing... and coughing and coughing.... So much so that I pseudo-vomitted.... Not once, not twice... I forgot how many times. I think my stomach did such a good job in digesting what I ate that I have nothing left to 'discharge'... Haha... I think i am the only person in the world that would write such boring stuff on my blog... TTC, please go away....................

Monday, March 14, 2005

Sick. and Tired.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Was chatting with a friend last night on the phone and I realise how much I missed his company. It's not what you think though... I mean like he is the type of friend that you will feel satisfied after a conversation. Haven't talk to him for the longest time. But it's amazing how we can chat non-stop... On the other hand, there are friends that you simply have nothing to talk about. Even those that you havent met for a while. Funny. haiz. or those like faulty html codes in your blog - broken links once, everything was working perfectly fine. but when you decided to tweak it a bit, you realise that you have meddle with the wrong codes. you try to restore it back to the orginal, but you are no expert and you forgot to save a copy of the original codes. you republish you blog, hoping that some miracle will happen. usually it will not. unless you make significant changes to it. or put back the original codes. friend, i am still trying. but it will not work if it is just one sided.

Monday, February 28, 2005

A matter of time

It has been 2 months.... Am I still too proud to initiate conversation? Not really... But I just have some reservations. Or should it be the other way round? Actually I think I am ready. But I have heard what was being done and I still feel disappointed.. Probably a good talk would remove the animosity... But even if I am mentally ready, I may not be emtionally so... The abandoned playground... What a good description. Just like that way I thought about my friendship with my old playmates in primary school and my neighbours. Almost gone with the wind.

One project down

I am in lecture right now.. But am too occupied to pay attention. haha.. I think I should start doing what Huiz has been asking me to do. Break down the total amount of school fees I pay and see how much each lecture or tutorial cost. Probably then it will motivate me not to waste money and pay more attention in class... Well.... At last my comm research project is finished. At least the first of the 2 assignments for this module... All the best to my group. If you guys are thinking about catching a movie, you might want to watch Howl's Moving Castle. It's an animation with, i think, a pretty interesting concept. The director is the same person that did Spirited Away. Yep... It's that genre... And my good friend is totally smitten by Howl, the main character who happens to be a wizard. Howl howl howl.... Oh well... Those people sitting behind me in the lecture hall must be wondering why I'm blogging instead of listening to the lecturer talking about HIV and AIDS in a MARKETING lecture.. whatever... Better not waste anymore $$$$.. Back to the lecture..... =P

Sunday, February 20, 2005


I think something is wrong with me. I can be happy and cheerful one moment; depressed and teary the next. What is happening? Weird things have been running through my head. Like whether there is a conspiracy going on somewhere that is trying to make me an outcast in this society. I am serious. I kept thinking that people have been hiding things from me and stuff. Whenever something bad is going to happen, I can always predict it. Right now I am pretty sure there are certain things that I'm suppose to know but people are hiding them from me. Yes, I am paranoid. No, I dun think it is PMS. I can almost imagine me in a mental facility... hhahhahha School have successfully made me crazy. Or so I think.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Will the year 2005 be an unpleasant year for me? Things have not been too good. At least not as ideal as how I would like it to be... I have been expecting too much from certain people and issues... Am I becoming more and more selfish? Maybe it's just PMS... hahaha...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I have no idea what I can write about... I think I am just updating for the sake of doing it... Otherwise, people might think that I am dead or something... haha.. Too extreme. School has been messy and stressful. Not much time left to do anything else. No common time to meet for projects. No leisure time to rest and relax. Feeling tired and slightly depressed. Could be due to the fact that I have been waking up at 5:45am for the past 3 days. Could be due to the lack of sleep. Only 5 hours a day. I am tired. I am.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Anti-Stress Kit

Something I found when doing research for my Singapore Society module...

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Amish

Do you know what the Amish are? Basically, they are a group of people who lives in accordance to strict religious beliefs and do not use modern conveniences or invention. For example electricity...

There are approximately 150,000 Amish in North America. The largest group is in Holmes County, Ohio, with significant populations in Pennsylvania, northern Indiana and Iowa. Others are located in the eastern and mid-western states and Ontario, Canada.

The Amish are primarily farmers. Some, however, are carpenters and cabinet makers, blacksmiths, buggy and harness makers, all geared toward supporting the Amish lifestyle. Because farmland is expensive, and becoming increasingly scarce, some younger members have taken jobs in nearby factories and restaurants. Others work in general stores that provide the Amish community with goods necessary to their lifestyle that they cannot produce themselves.

Many of their conveniences were used in America’s 19th Century or earlier houses. Wood or coal fueled stoves provide heat. Cooking stoves are powered by propane, kerosene or wood. Kerosene or clear gas lamps provide light.
The Amish people do not pose for pictures because they believe that photographs violate the biblical teaching against making graven images (Exodus 20:4). Also, they are concerned that pictures will promote self-pride. They may put their hands or hats over their faces, look away or take evasive action to avoid having their picture taken.
Interesting huh.. If you are interested, you can visit this webbie

In my opinion, the scenery is simply great. Well, nothing wrong with having people who are different from the main stream cosmopolitan 'robots'. Haha.. It adds variety to the world.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Question Number 1 in sociology class
What does being 'human' means to you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I hope that things will be back to normal soon...

Saturday, January 08, 2005

A Sinful Indulgence, A Incurable Fetish

When I arrive at Orchard for a meeting at Orchard of Hope today, I decided that I should answer the call of nature, URGENTLY! And so I went over to wheelock place... Somehow, instead of using the usual front entrance, I stumble upon the entrance at the back. Apparently it leads to the 'basement' of Borders. (yes.. I did not know there was a 'basement') I went in and headed decisively for the escalator to bring me to the ladies. However, on my way, I found a whole new world. PAPERCHASE DESIGNER STATIONERY I went crazy! I went around the area mumbling to myself... I hope it wasn't audible. 'So gorgeous! So gorgeous! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness....' Something like that. Wait a minute. I was suppose to be really 'urgent'. Answering the call of nature. Heck. I spent 30 minutes browsing before I bought 2 notebooks. $11............................................................. each Haha... I cannot help it. One. They are gorgeous. Two. They're notebooks! Three. I collect notebooks. Four. I just keep them. Five. No, I am not crazy.

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